INPCS Leadership: George Fitchett


George Fitchett, DMin, PhD
Member At-Large, INPCS Board of Directors

George Fitchett, DMin, PhD, is Professor and former Director of Research in the Department of Religion, Health, and Human Values, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago Illinois. With training in both healthcare chaplaincy and epidemiology, he is one of the United States’ leading chaplain-researchers. In 1990 he developed the research program in Rush’s Department of Religion, Health, and Human Values. It was one of the first such programs in any chaplaincy department and has become a model for the field. He is the former Director of Transforming Chaplaincy, whose mission is to promote evidence-based spiritual care. In 2019 he received an Honorary Doctorate from the University for Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Transforming Chaplaincy: The George Fitchett Reader, a collection of his research, was published in Fall 2021.

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